Pervious Concrete is an ideal solution for surface and storm water management. Typically containing 15-30 void space, it allows water to pass directly through it.
Where to use:
- Parking areas.
- Street and roadways shoulders.
- Patios, driveways and walkways.
- Recreational areas.
- Erosion control.
- Can be part of a cost-effective Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS).
- Eliminates the need for detention ponds and any other costly storm water management.
- Allows for more efficient land development.
- Mitigates surface pollutants.
Technical Features:
- Consistence class S2-S3.
- Unit weight is up to 75 less than conventional concrete.
- Workable for up to 90 minutes.
- Compressive strength of 10-25 Mpa.
- Flexural strength of 1-3 Mpa.
- Excellent permeability.
- Available with integral color.
Safety Features:
- Reduces glare from wet pavements.
- Eliminates water accumulation from heavy rain.
- Reduces the heat island effect and reflects light.